Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day 31: Casey Anthony Should be Found Guilty

Today's testimony played out like a Greek tragedy. No forensics, just raw emotions from a grieving man who remains suicidal to this day. A man who lost his granddaughter to an unspeakable crime, and who is about to lose his daughter, the petite brunette sitting at the defense table, her hair neatly pulled back, wearing cheap jailhouse make-up. While George Anthony openly wept on the witness stand for the world to see, 25-year old Casey Anthony sat stoically, never batting an eye, lips drawn, staring blankly at nothing. If a picture speaks a thousand words, her blank gaze spoke one: Guilty.

George Anthony took the stand for mercifully the last time today. Lead defense attorney Jose Baez took one last crack at his nemesis, who has throughout this trial remained resolute in his defiance, maintaining he had nothing to do with Caylee's disappearance or death. George has managed to fend off rumors of a sordid affair with a search volunteer, accusations of sexually abusing Casey, helping hide his granddaughter's decaying body and covering up crimes. Today, Baez tried in vain to infer his suicide attempt, brought into evidence for the first time, was the sign of a guilt-ridden man who couldn't live with his heinous actions. Instead, under cross-examination by State attorney Jeff Ashton, George told the rapt jury he held out hope Caylee would be found alive until it was confirmed the body discovered in the woods Dec. 11 was indeed his granddaughter. Ashton stopped his examination as George, awash with grief, wept openly. Surely jurors were as moved as I was. Yet, Casey didn't even flinch. It was at this point I became convinced she was a cold-blooded animal.

Even though the suicide note George left behind was not admitted into evidence, Judge Belvin Perry permitted Ashton to ask about its contents. What was once scrawled on sheets of notebook paper in a seedy motel room in Daytona Beach now reveals to jurors and trial watchers his state of mind after his worst fears were confirmed. He wanted to be with Caylee, believing he failed her. He wanted to make sure Caylee was in God's hands. He texted family, friends, even his lawyer, to say his goodbyes. Then, with a six-pack of beer and a fistful of pills, whether he intended to end it all or not, he did the unthinkable. If not for law enforcement, he would probably not be here to speak for Caylee today.

He admits he has suicidal thoughts to this day. He admits to purchasing a handgun to force information from those who might know what happened. This is a man whose search for the truth caused him to become irrational at times. Justice for Caylee remains his mantra. His testimony throughout his numerous trips to the witness stand has not always been forthright. But today, I believed him.

His supposed mistress, Krystal Holloway (a.k.a. River cruise), is one of the two defense witnesses left to testify. She will probably take the stand tomorrow.Through her, Baez will no doubt take another shot at assasinating George's character. Ashton will, like he has with many defense witnesses in this case, tear into Krystal Holloway like a hungry bulldog. He will leave no stone unturned in revealing her questionable character. Even if Krystal is to be believed, it will be difficult for the jury to shake the images of the grieving grandfather on the stand and the stone-faced daughter sitting just a few feet away.

This month-long trial is nearing the end. More than 70 witnesses have been called to the stand. Unless the defense has an ace in the hole (and that would not be Dr. Sally Karioth, the grief expert whom Ashton ate for lunch today), this case is over. My needle has finally been moved.

Casey Anthony is guilty of first-degree murder.

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