Wednesday, June 22, 2011

"Thank God It's Wednesday"

Attorneys and Judge Belvin Perry got a chuckle at the end of today's short testimony when Jose Baez exclaimed,"Thank God it's Wednesday."
Court recessed at noon today due to a prior commitment of Judge Perry. Baez was quickly reminded from the Bench they all must put in a full day Saturday to make up for lost time.
A total of six witnesses testified in that three-hour period. This has to be a record for this trial! Here is a quick summary of their testimony:

1. Maureen Bottnell, FBI geologist -- examined 23 pairs of shoes, no dirt similar to that on the crime scene found, except for three pairs, which showed dirt, but remember, the scene in the woods had been scraped prior to testing. No cross-examination by the State.

2. Madeline Montgomery, FBI forensic toxicologist -- received and tested hair samples from Casey, no evidence of Xanax, Clonodine, Valium, any date rape drugs, veterinary tranquilizers or other drugs used in the club scene.

3. Dr. Michael Sigman, University of Central Florida chemist -- tested six air samples from the car trunk, found trace amounts of volatile chemicals (presumably gasoline), and chloroform, tetrachloroehtylene and dimethyldisulfide (whatever those are). Defense says this proves inconclusive for a dead body in the trunk.

4. Susan Mears, Orange County crime scene supervisor -- collected crime scene evidence, including a Walt Disney World bag with a Gatorade bottle inside. This very short testimony set up the next witness.

5. Dr. Michael Rickenback, FBI forensic chemist -- State witness recalled by the defense. Says he tested steering wheel and a swath of fabric from the car seat, found no evidence of chloroform. A doll tested revealed trace amounts, but not enough to confirm. Cleaning product compounds and interestingly, testosterone discovered in syringe found in Gatorade bottle.

6.  Karen Korsberg Lowe, FBI hair and fiber analyst -- State witness recalled by the defense. Found no evidence of decomposition on clothing of Caylee's taken from Anthony home. Also said fibers from duct tape at scene did not match that from a roll taken from the Anthony home.

The defense made some headway with today's testimony, but it still has a looooong way to go to cast enough doubt, in my mind. I can't wait until the defense addresses its own theory that Caylee drowned. The talking heads are saying, to save this case, Casey must take the stand. The State would have a field day, I think, if that happened. Meanwhile, will the alleged George Anthony mistress be called by the defense? Will the State subpoena for its rebuttal case the inmate three cells down from Casey who says her daughter drowned in a pool?
I wonder what Casey is writing on that legal pad. Playing "Hangman" perhaps as her attorneys seem to turn its own witnesses into State witnesses? 
More to come!


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