Friday, July 1, 2011

Day 33: Reality Bites: Casey Anthony Verdict in Two Days?

Casey Anthony is in fear of her life now.

Shortly after the State ended its rebuttal case today, motions for mistrial and acquittal were denied by Judge Belvin Perry. A third motion to remove the death penalty was put off. But all evidence has been seen and heard. Casey's attorneys can do little now but argue for her life in closing arguments.

The juxtaposition of the mood of attorneys and Casey Anthony was clearly evident. Seemed almost callous, as they joked with Judge Perry about going fishing and seeing the end of the long workdays, while Casey lowered her head and contemplated her fate, now in the hands of 12 total strangers. They say this happens with all defendants near the end of murder trials. Still, you can't help but think she would like to buy one more day if she could before her life is adjudicated.

Neck breaking. Chloroform. We've heard these terms throughout this five-week old trial. We know these topics were Google'ed on the Anthony home computer. These Internet searches are key to determining premeditation in proving Casey Anthony guilty of capital murder. We never knew for sure who looked up these horrific methods of killing. Until today, thanks to Cindy's bosses at Gentiva Home Health, who proved she was at work when she said she was at home. Computer forensic evidence, also presented today, further drove home the fact that it was Casey Marie Anthony looking up ways to commit murder.

This was huge for the State's case, which had no real evidence to work with. As the defense quickly pointed out through their motions, there isn't any evidence as to how Caylee died, where she died, when she died, or who was there when she died. These questions have largely remained unanswered since July 15 2008, the day Caylee was reported missing.

We know Cindy Anthony took the fall for her daughter. Who can blame her? Cindy risked jail time herself by commiting perjury. But she had to know her statements would come back to bite her.

In following this trial, I've tried to reserve judgment until the bitter end, to no avail. My opinion on her guilt or innocence throughout has flip-flopped more than a metronome set to the highest speed. It's hard to wade through the sea of lies that have been told by the dysfunctional Anthony family. Key testimony that jurors must hang their hats on is now suspect, even stricken from the record in the case of Krystal Holloway. Speaking of Krystal Holloway a.k.a. River Cruise, Vinnie Politan, "In Session" host and former attorney, squeezed more information out of her during an interview than both Jeff Ashton and Jose Baez, the two lead attorneys in this trial.

Witnesses spent little time today on the stand. The rest of the trial should have moved so swimmingly. At 4:30 p.m. the State rested its rebuttal case. Then, defense attorney Cheney Mason filed his obligatory motions.

Closing arguments will be heard Sunday. Jurors must then sift through 366 pieces of evidence before handing judgment. Today, however, reality began to set in for Casey. It showed on her face when the motion for acquittal was denied. She knows it looks bad for her.

Next week this sad saga will be over. While attorneys bait their hooks and light their grills, a broken family, the Anthony family, will mourn yet another loss.

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