Friday, July 29, 2011

What's My Line?

Every now and then (OK, every day!) I graze the Internet for interesting, humorous or topical blog topics. Most of the time, I strike out. Not being a gifted writer by any stretch, I then hope an idea with legs will just walk up to me.

You see, writing my blogs must be a ratio of 90 percent inspiration and 10 percent perspiration. Sometimes life gets in the way of this process. Mostly, I just lack inspiration, so readers, of which I can now count on ten toes and fingers, can move on with their own droll existence (otherwise, why bother to read my material anyway?).

Then it occurred to me:  Why not let my few followers write my blog for me? I have enough to compile a short, perhaps stream of consciousness, tale of whatever. So let's try this. It's called a progressive blog. I write the first sentence, and you write the next, and so on and so forth. The only caveat is, you must post as a blog comment on the actual blog, not on Facebook. And limit yourself to one sentence please.

This could turn out interesting. That is, unless the story ends after five lines, at which time I will probably quit writing altogether and head to the nearest urgent care due to severe bruising of the ego.

So here we go:

"Hannah noticed the salesmen lurking behind the fenders waiting to pounce on the next customer. Yet, she summoned up the courage to sidle up to her dream car, her first new car, in hopes she will be noticed by one of the dollar signs hustling for their next sale."

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