Friday, August 12, 2011

Call off the Wedding, Bert and Ernie!

It's one thing to be for or against gay marriage. But to call for Bert and Ernie, a pair of fleece and foam hand puppets, to admit they are gay, do the right thing and get married has my eyes bugging out further than Miss Piggy's.

Leave the debate for the real world, Lair Scott.

Scott, of Chicago, recently started an online campaign calling for the producers of "Sesame Street" to hold a wedding for the pair of platonic puppets. Scott began the campaign on the Web site,, and has caught the attention of at least 900 folks with nothing better to do than sign a petition calling for a same-sex muppet marriage. A Facebook page has even attracted at least 350 supporters for the two best friends to tie the knot.

Lair even calls for producers to consider adding a transgender character to the show, which premiered 42 years ago on PBS.

"We are not asking that Sesame Street do anything crude or disrespectful," the Web site states.  "Let Sesame Street and PBS Kids be a big part in saving many worthy lives."

Violence exacted against gays and lesbians is abhorent to say the least, and homophobia is NOT acceptable in today's society. But can we please keep the beloved Muppets out of the torrid debate?

What's next? Do we ask Nickolodeon to force Patrick Star out from under his rock and join his buddy Spongebob in holy matrimony?

Sesame Street issued this statement on its Facebook page:

"Bert and Ernie are best friends. They were created to teach preschoolers that people can be good friends with those who are very different from themselves.

"Even though they are identified as male characters and possess many human traits and characteristics (as most Sesame Street Muppets do), they remain puppets, and do not have a sexual orientation."

Gay marriage is a hot-button political issue, to be debated by lawmakers, not stuffed down the throats of impressionable preschoolers.

Do I think Bert and Ernie say "I do?" I don't.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you Kim. Why are we worried about the sexual orientation of muppets? Why does it matter? So must we assume if two people of the same sex are friends for years they must be sexually involved? That negates everyone's friendships. I have to wonder if Bert were named Bertha if the push to have them wed would be the same. Something to think about.
