Monday, August 29, 2011

Lady Gaga -- Antics Overshadow Talent, "Just Dance"

I understand marketing. Standing out make you more visible to a target audience. I wish I had a shtick. Lady Gaga is a marketing genius, with 13 million albums and 51 million singles sold to date and a legion of fans known as "Little Monsters." Her name alone drives her brand.

It's time to stop with the silly hats, shoulder pads and alter egos. "Born This Way?" Sorry, but after last night's performance at the MTV Video Music Awards show, it's hard for me to keep a "Poker Face."

Now, I totally forgot the VMAs were even on. I almost forgot MTV even existed. A friend was aghast when I asked what channel the show was on. I wanted to tune in, but with two kids, both of whom detest all things Gaga, I was forced instead sit through repeats of "My Babysitter's a Vampire." However, when I later heard Gaga brought out her alter ego Jo Colderone to the stage, I was left "Speechless."

I've often been criticized for being a Gaga fan. I was always able to look beyond the weirdness and recognize her true talent. Born Stefani Germanotta, she was at one time headed for Juilliard but chose to be one of only 20 students to gain early admission at New York University's Tisch School of the Arts. While there, she formed the Stefani Germanotta Band with some school chums, developing a small following by playing Led Zeppelin covers in Manhattan's Lower East Side. A perfomance at the 2006 Songwriters Hall of Fame New Songwriter's Showcase caught the eye of Rob Fusari, who was looking for a female singer to front a new band. She earned the moniker "Gaga" after the Queen hit, Radio Ga Ga. The name stuck.

In 2008, Gaga moved to L.A. to work on her first album, "Fame." No pretentions there. "Just Dance," her first single from the album, gained worldwide acclaim, and her fame and name took off from there.

Gaga works hard on her image. Alexander McQueen headwear and the ever-present stilleto heels define her look. But the crude, beer-swilling Jo Colderone personna revealed last night was too much for me. This was not not the Gaga I came to know and love. Her/his performance even had seasoned musicians in the audience scratching their heads.

Jo Calderone is a radical departure from the Gaga image. Calderone is not a guido either, as Gaga/Calderone made clear in her/his profanity-laced explanation to a curious press.

“No, I’m not a f—ing guido!” Gaga/Calderone said. “You don’t like Italians? What the f— is the matter with you? I’m just a guy, and I just wanted to show my girl how much I love her, that’s all.”

Who is this person? What is the point? I just don't get it. I will still remain a fan of her talent, but she's losing me in the image department.

Paws up, little monsters, and pay attention: The fame monster is now too big for her Versace britches!

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