Friday, June 17, 2011

Bombshells Away in Casey Anthony Case: Is Leonard Padilla Credible?

Leonard Padilla just won't go away. The bounty hunter, intrinsically involved in the Casey Anthony case, is back in the news on the day the defense began its case.
In the summer of 2008, Padilla and his nephew posted a $500,000 bond to get Anthony out of jail, hoping she would lead them to her missing daughter, Caylee. He says he revoked her bond after she did nothing to look for Caylee.
News reports say Padilla showed up at the Anthony home with a TV crew late yesterday afternoon, presumably with 'talking head' and Judge Jeanine Pirro and a camera crew to tape a segment for her show. He says Pirro asked him to show her the distance between the Anthony home and where little Caylee's remains were found. Authorities reportedly told Padilla he had to leave because there was a restraining order against him (no surprise there,)
As if his wacky antics weren't enough, he makes an appearance on Dr. Drew's show on HLN last night. I couldn't believe what I heard. Now, I'm not a big fan of Dr. Drew Pinsky. I think his shows have always been exploitative and salacious (Celebrity Rehab, Love Lines). Padilla claimed last night that Ray Kronk's girlfriend, who worked in the Orange County Jail, told Kronk (the meter reader who found Caylee's remains) where the body was in August, six months before they were found, and that law enforcement knew this by illegally listening to a conversation between her and her attorney.  Padilla claims Kronk then searched the woods, but could not find the remains because the location was about 70 feet from where they were actually located. The inference was that cops sat on this information in order to keep it quiet. Padilla then went on to say he told the cops, two days before Caylee was found, that they needed to find the body within 48 hours or he was going to go public. And his supposed attorney was right by his side, jaw agape, probably wondering now why he took on this nutty client.
Between Padilla, a fistfight yesterday among those wrangling to get a firsthand look at Casey Anthony, and the crazy twists and turns of this trial thus far, they might as well erect a circus tent over the courthouse.

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