Sunday, July 17, 2011

Casey Anthony Free, Time To Move On

Shortly after midnight, under cover of darkness, Casey Anthony was whisked away from the Orange County Jail where she has spent the past three years. With her attorney Jose Baez at her side, she was led past throngs of protesters and into a waiting SUV to parts unknown.

For the next few weeks, she will take refuge from pending lawsuits, public hatred, a justice system being scrutinized and throngs of reporters wondering where she will go next. Her freedom comes at a cost. Many question if she will re-offend, change her appearance or name, make her fortune, move to L.A. or perhaps leave the country.

The best thing we all can do for this narcissist is ignore her. Don't give her that movie deal. Keep her out of the talk show circuit. Quit following her around for that  million-dollar photo. Rightly or wrongly, she has been adjudicated and set free. Ignoring her would be the sweetest retribution for those still seeking justice.

I concede the fact that Casey Anthony provides us a diversion from our own problems. By vicariously dissecting her sad, pathetic life we feel better about our own lives. But we have beaten this horse to death.

It's time to move on. There are other matters of import. For example:

Our nation is about to lose its Triple A bond rating if the debt crisis isn't resolved by the end of August.

How do we fix airport security in the wake of a reported 25,000 security breaches?

An Atlanta Public Schools cheating scandal calls into question testing of students nationwide.

 We will no longer see HLN "Issues" host Jane Velez-Mitchell spending 45 minutes debating Casey's demeanor as she exited the jail. Surely by now even trial watchers have grown weary of Nancy Grace "unleashing the lawyers" on her show. Frankly, my own family is relieved the Casey Anthony murder trial ended after six weeks of my taking up valuable DVR disk space with trial coverage.

As for me, I will continue to look for interesting blog topics. Locally, we have a court case on the docket that may receive national attention. I guess I'll hitch up my horse for the Elisa Baker murder trial. This is another sad, tragic event that will put our local judiciary to the test. Until then, I'm open for suggestions. If anyone wants me to sound off on a particular subject matter, please e-mail or Facebook message me. I have no measuring stick to gauge readership, so your input is invaluable.

I hope you continue to follow my blogs!

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